
STK Spray - Box of 10 pouches

Item No.: AXO-STK-SP-10

STK Spray for the rape scene 

10 pouches of STK Spray

STK Spray is a presumptive test for the detection of human male semen directly on the rape scene (floor, furniture, wall, door handle, sink, tree leaves, grass…) in order to locate assaulter’s semen specifically. 

STK Spray can be used indoor and outdoor.

STK Spray is the perfect solution for CSI in order to locate assaulter’s semen specifically on the rape scene on any evidence (but fiber and textile evidence -> see STK Lab) like floor, furniture, door handle, toilet, sink, tree leaves, grass, gravel… 

Highly sensitive and specific to semen, non-toxic, safe for the DNA, STK Spray is the perfect solution for CSI facing complex rape scenes. 

STK Spray is being used in routine by many CSI organizations in the world and already supported scientific police solving highly complex rape cases.

Contains: 1 box of 10 individual STK Spray pouches. Perfect product in CSI toolbox. 

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STK Spray - Box of 10 pouches

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